Fine Asian Works of Art sale on Monday December 13th 2010 at

                    Bonhams & Butterfields in San Francisco







本人有幸到三藩市觀摩一場极為刺激的中國古董艺品拍賣会。一件編号為360 為帶有乾隆底款的青花梅瓶<說明書上只當作為晚清或民国初期的物品>事前均為收藏家們看好。经過多翻激烈勁投。从一万五千元開始。叫价最終由国內一收藏家以連佣金七佰六十五万八千美元得,打破只作為晚清瓷器世界紀錄。全場均以熱烈掌聲歡呼. 這場拍賣会云集世界各地收藏家,古董商,競投气紛熱鬧火爆。中國好的文物艺朮品价值現正以惊人价格直線升值。尤其是清三代(康熙. 雍正,乾隆)請朋友們多留意下身傍物件


A blue and white porcelain Dragon jar sold for $7,658,000 in the Fine Asian Works of Art sale on Monday December 13th 2010 at Bonhams & Butterfields in San Francisco.The 360-lot sale brought more than $19 million with the vast majority of the lots fetching multiples of their estimates. There was much anticipation and deliberation over the Dragon jar. Following careful pre-sale research and consultation, the firm described the jar conservatively as QianlongMark, Late Qing/Republic Period and gave it a pre-sale estimate of $10,000-15,000 USD.
